About Me

Hello all and welcome to my page!

My name is Keegan, I am 22 years old and I adore pigs.

Ever since I was young I have had an odd fascination with pigs. It was all about the appearance of the pigs for me though, what with their little snouts and boarderline smiling faces? Who couldn't?

As of recently in my adult years I have switched my diet around and stopped consuming animals. A light switched on in my head one day and I thought to myself "Would I eat a dog?" "I know other coultures eat dogs...but would I ever eat Lassie?" My answer was "HELL NO!" That bitch could probably lead me to some water, fresh vegetables maybe even a Taco Bell if she were with me while I was lost in a terrain, forrest or my backyard. Not that that would ever happen, but if I trust even an ounce of my life with an animal of any kind why would I eat it or its friends?

On top of my love for swine, its scientifically proven that pigs are even smarter than dogs, they are super clean and they are severely abused in the meat industry.

Anyway, I love animals and this is just part of my omage for pigs along with something to help me learn programming.
